MJ Foster Promise Program
The M.J. Foster Promise Program provides financial assistance to eligible students who enroll in a qualified program at a two-year public college or university, or an accredited proprietary school licensed by the Board of Regents to pursue an associate degree or a shorter-term postsecondary education credential required for certain high-demand, high-wage occupations aligned with Louisiana’s workforce priorities.
The program is named after former Louisiana Governor Mike J. Foster.
The M.J. Foster Promise Program is available to all eligible Louisiana residents (21 years or older) with individual student awards available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students will qualify for financial support to earn credentials that align to high-demand jobs in growing industry sectors, such as construction, healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, and transportation and logistics.
To learn more about eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit:https://mylosfa.la.gov/students-parents/scholarships-grants/mjfoster/
Contact Info
Financial Aid
Mon -Wed 9am – 8pm
Thursday 9am-6pm
Friday 9am – 4:30pm
Phone: 225-752-4233