If you are looking for financial aid, you will need to get an IRS Transcript. There are many types of IRS Transcripts that you can get online or by mail. To learn about the various type of IRS Transcripts, click here.
Ways to get your IRS Transcripts
You can get IRS Transcripts online, by mail, by phone, or in-person.
To get an IRS Transcript online, you’ll need the following to register:
Information about yourself:
- Full Name
- Birthdate
- Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number(ITIN)
- Tax filing status
- Current address
Personal account number from:
- Credit Card
- Mortgage
- Home Equity Loan
- Home Equity Line of Credit
- Car Loan
Access to a mobile phone that is able to receive text messages.
After you successfully registered, you will have access to ALL transcript types online to view, print or download.
To get an IRS Transcript by mail, you’ll need the following:
- Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number(ITIN)
- Birthdate
- Mailing Address from your latest Tax Return
You can request Return or Account transcript types to be delivered by mail.
Transcripts arrive in 5 to 10 calendar days at the address the IRS has on file for you.
To get an IRS Transcript by phone:
- Call the automated phone transcript service at 1-800-908-9946
You can request a Tax Return or Tax Account transcript to be delivered by mail.
To get an IRS Transcript in-person:
- Call the IRS at 1-844-545-5640 to schedule an appointment at the Baton Rouge location or by looking up a location near you by clicking here.
Contact Info
Financial Aid
Mon -Wed 9am – 8pm
Thursday 9am-6pm
Friday 9am – 4:30pm
Phone: 225-752-4233