If you are considering enrolling in an industrial operator program, then there is a good chance that you are wondering what this type of program entails and what kinds of jobs you can apply for once you graduate. We have a few great examples for you – three of them, in fact. Once you finish your training, you could find yourself taking on any of these positions and of course, many others.
Become a Control Room Operator
If you become a control room operator, you could find yourself working in one of many different positions. For example, you might operate steam turbines, or you might maintain proper functionality for boilers. There are several other systems that fall under this umbrella as well, and you will find out more about them once you finish your process technology training. Just remember that every industry has numerous differences, and you will need to be ready to adapt. As you move forward and branch off into a specific field, you will become more focused on your industry.
No matter which of the industries you choose to go into, however, you will need to make sure that you have outstanding problem-solving skills. Unlike a typical 9-5 job, this is one that will require you to do quite a bit of thinking. You will need to analyze issues, come up with solutions, and most importantly, make sure that you are planning for any future problems that could arise. Trust us, there will be plenty of them.
Consider Becoming an Industrial Installer
Industrial installers are crucial to making sure that manufacturing plants and other buildings run properly. For example, you could become the person who oversees the installation of fabrication manufacturing equipment. If you do plan to take on a career of this nature, you must understand that it is not a hands-off job. While you will be directing employees who report to you, you will need to be ready to get your hands dirty. In addition, you may need to travel for work, so get ready to experience new places and meet new people.
Field Service Equipment Operator
There are quite a few career opportunities as a field service equipment operator, but a few great examples include:
* Hazardous Waste Clean-Up
* Tank Cleaning
* Equipment Decontamination
* And more…
A field services equipment operator will have quite a few different responsibilities to fulfill, but perhaps the most important is ensuring that the organization is operating in compliance with all the standard health and safety standards as outlined by the state and the company. This is not an easy position to fill, but it is very rewarding when done properly.
Get Ready for your New Career
These are three great career opportunities in the field, and if you want to try one of them, then you will need to make sure that you have the right education. ITI Technical College offers flexible scheduling and a comprehensive curriculum that meets the needs of students who may be working, parenting, or completely dedicated to their studies.
Our passionate instructors have spent many combined years in their respective fields of study, and they happily pass along this industry experience to their students. Now would be a great time for you to start looking at our programs and planning your future – we are here for you, and we are ready to prepare you. All you need to do is take the first step and contact an admission professional!
For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website: https://iticollege.edu/disclosures/