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Essential Skilled Trade Jobs During COVID

States have temporarily halted many businesses and industries to slow the spreading of the COVID-19 disease while it is a pandemic. States have allowed certain types of businesses deemed “essential” to stay open during this same time.

Employees in skilled trades considered essential continue to work on the job site or at home and their sectors will continue to remain relevant in the U.S.

We want to address some skilled trade jobs in industries that are considered essential to keeping our economy alive during these trying times. They include:

  • Healthcare: Medical Coding
  • Construction Management
  • HVAC: Residential & Commercial
  • Automation & Electronics
  • Instrument & Control Systems
  • Process Technology

Guidelines have been established for workers in essential jobs across the United States.

Healthcare: Medical Coding Is an Essential Service for Patients

All healthcare facilities including doctor’s offices, clinics, and hospitals must keep accurate patient records. This is vitally important during this COVID crisis when testing the old and young for symptoms of the disease. Extreme precautions must be taken to protect those with and without the COVID virus.

Medical Coders translate tests, procedures, treatments, surgeries, and physicians’ notes into alpha-numeric codes. Each patient’s records are kept on file for current and future reference, and at some point, referred to the Medical Billing office for payment of bills. These critical jobs offer competitive pay and employee benefits.

The Construction Management Field Needs Leaders

As the COVID virus continues to take its toll, existing healthcare facilities are being remodeled and new ones are under construction to keep pace with needed medical services. Additionally, manufacturing and supply facilities related to healthcare and shelters for those in need are being built and all these efforts need well-trained Construction Managers.

Construction Managers are involved in projects in industries such as energy, childcare, water and wastewater, transportation, agriculture, food production, and many others deemed necessary to the U.S. economy. These jobs offer exciting and challenging work, great salaries, employee benefits, and a growing future.

Residential & Commercial HVAC Technicians and Installers Are in Demand

An “essential” industry related to the construction trade is heating/ventilation/air conditioning/ and refrigeration. We all need to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter, especially patients in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, and those who are sick in general.

Every residential and commercial building project requires an HVAC system be installed. Some essential facilities require refrigerated storage of food and medications. As a repair technician or contract installer, your job is in demand in every state. If you are considering a career in this field, now is a great time to begin your training.

“Employees in skilled trades considered essential continue to work on the job site or at home and their sectors will continue to remain relevant in the U.S.”

Automation & Electronics Keeps Business and Industry Flowing

Workers with real-world skills in analog and digital electronics and microprocessor controls are needed to use and troubleshoot today’s electronic control systems. These systems are used in virtually all facilities involved in the production processes of parts, components, and completed products. Graduates from this technical program play a vital role in today’s industrial and technical applications. They will typically work with these systems:

  • Remote operated vehicle
  • Industrial control
  • Video monitoring
  • Home automation
  • Alarms & Communication
  • Medical equipment

Instrument & Control Systems: Someone Must Keep Watch on Them

More technologies are based on automation processes and systems today than ever before. Employees in advanced workplaces need the knowledge and skills to achieve needed productivity and ensure the work is done accurately.

Graduates in this program can expect to work in these industries and more:

  • Boiler controls and chemical plant operations
  • Food processing and pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Metalworking, mining, and quality control
  • Papermill and power plant operations
  • Water treatment and sewage treatment plants

Process Technology Is for Smooth Operations

This career lies at the heart of many manufacturing, industrial, and production plant operations. Those workers who can successfully operate industrial process equipment are in demand. Technicians in these jobs are valuable employees in the fields of aeronautics, ceramics, chemicals, foods, paper and pulp, power, and textiles.

Organizations use various systems to run their operations smoothly in the production of goods and services. Technicians must monitor, control, replace, and repair components in the systems to keep them in top condition.

Summary and Conclusion

Employees in essential skilled trade jobs during the COVID crisis help keep our economy and nation going. Amid many workers being laid off or furloughed, those with knowledge and skills in essential industries are in demand. If you are not enrolled in one of these programs, consider one today for a better chance of employment and a better life. Read more about what constitutes the ‘essential’ workforce in the U.S.

Sources and References

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