(877) 591-1070

VISIT OUR CAMPUS TODAY! 13944 Airline Highway
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Years of Service Awards

On January 10th, ITI presented the Years of Service Awards to Jenifer DeBosier for her 5 years of service to the school. Thank you, Jenifer!

Years of Service Awards

On January 10th, ITI presented the Years of Service Awards to Randy Borill for his 5 years of service to the school. Thank you, Randy!

Years of Service Awards

Jill Young received School Award for 15 years of service

On January 10th, ITI presented the Years of Service Awards to Jill Young for her 15 years of service to the school. Thank you, Jill!  

Years of Service Awards

On January 10th, ITI presented the Years of Service Awards to: 5 Years of Service – Randy Borill, Carol Boudreaux, Jenifer DeBosier, Wilma George, Jesse Guillory, Jeff Lawrence, Scott Padgett, […]

Presentation On Entrepreneurship

Mr. William Campbell from B1Bank came today (09-12-2022) and gave a rousing presentation on entrepreneurship and how it applies basic life skills to anyone’s financial well-being. He shared his business […]

Constitution Day

Constitution Day

Most people know that July 4th is our nation’s birthday, but few know that September 17th is the birthday of our government. On that date in 1787 delegates at the Philadelphia Convention completed and signed the U.S. Constitution…

JMJ Award Winner

Congratulations to Quinn Kelley for becoming the JMJ Award Winner

Sharing your ride just got easier

Commuter Krewe works with our community businesses and commuters to reduce congestion on our roads. They assist with carpool matching, emergency rides home, reducing traffic congestion and related air pollution […]

The Blue Star Mothers of Louisiana Chapter 1

During ITI’s 2021 Student Celebration Day, the college hosted a 50/50 split fundraiser. Fifty percent of the monies raised from the ticket sales went to the person holding the winning […]

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