Just as the military has used encryption to prevent the enemy from understanding their messages, information technology pros use cryptography to secure communications today.

Today’s enemies are hackers and cybercriminals who wreak havoc on organizations by stealing vital data or disrupting their computer systems and networks. The answer to overcoming this growing dilemma is using strong cryptography to create more security.

What Is Cryptography

Cryptography is the art and science of achieving security by encoding communications to make them non-readable. It saves billions of dollars each year and much frustration by slowing or stopping cybercriminals from doing their work. It is the basis of online security, privacy, and identity for personal and organizational use.

Keeping sensitive information secure is only achieved by well-executed applications of cryptography. We rely on electronic technology to create, store, and transfer data that must be protected, and we owe much of this security to cryptography.

Algorithms are used at the core of cryptography to encrypt or hide data. The readable information is transformed into an unreadable or encrypted form. When the hidden message is returned to its original form it is called decryption. Training to work with cryptography is available at many two-year colleges by obtaining an associate degree. Contact ITI Technical College today for more information.

The Benefits Of Cryptography

Study CryptographyCryptography provides a strong set of methods to ensure that cybercriminals’ illegal activities are thwarted while ensuring that legal users gain access to information. It provides us with more confidence and security in our personal and work transactions. Its benefits include:

  • Authentication is achieved with MAC and digital signature to protect against spoofing and forgeries.
  • Confidentiality protects information and communication from unauthorized access to information and revelation.
  • Data Integrity is achieved with hash functions to assure users about the data integrity.
  • Non-repudiation is provided by using digital signatures to guard against the dispute that can arise due to a denial of a passing message from the sender.

As cybercriminals step up their games, cryptography must become more sophisticated with advanced techniques to secure data.

“Information technology uses cryptography to secure communications today.”

Everyday Applications

Cryptography is used in multiple applications in devices and computer system communication we all use. These encrypting methods protect our identities and data on these devices:

  • Computers
  • Electronic Door Locks
  • Mobile Phones
  • Online Services
  • Personal Communications
  • Smartcard Authorizations
  • Vehicle Information Systems

Study CryptographyAs an example, Safari is using an encrypted connection to www.google.fi. Encryption with a digital certificate keeps our information private as it is sent to or from the https website www.google.fi. Other applications we use include digital signatures, electronic money, time stamping, cloud computing cryptography, and secure web transactions.

As we explore more everyday applications we discover encryptions can secure emails, store passwords, encrypt WhatsApp, store data, and keep data private in general. As technology advances, cryptography will expand to dozens of more applications that will make life more secure for all of us.

More On Algorithms And Cryptography

Algorithms appear in different forms to complete special functions. A one-direction algorithm works in only one way which means a message can be encrypted but not reversed or decrypted. Bi-directional or symmetric algorithms are used for both encryption and decryption.

Three main categories of algorithms exist where each has its primary function to meet needs:

  • Public Key cryptography algorithms produce reliable authentication of users and other entities. It is commonly used for strong online authentication.
  • Data Integrity Protection algorithms provide integrity protection in the form of hashes. Hashes detect modifications in data and are components of any cryptosystem that requires data integrity protection.
  • Symmetric Cipher algorithms protect data privacy for mobile telephones, most WiFi networks, and virtually every online banking, e-commerce transaction’ and service.

Challenges With Cryptography

Cryptography is essential for protecting today’s enormity of communications, data, and services. Some challenges that affect the effective use of information and must be overcome include:

Implementation Issues – Implementing cryptographic techniques correctly can become an issue. When errors or misconfigurations are made, vulnerabilities can occur.

Supply Chain Issues – Failures in ensuring the security of hardware and software in a supply chain can occur. Hackers can compromise computers, devices, systems, or software before messages reach end-users.

Side-Channel Attacks – Unintended information leakage can be exploited by side-channel attacks. Examples include electromagnetic radiation, power consumption, or timing information. Secure software and hardware designs must be employed to protect from these attacks.

If you are interested in cryptography, why not make a career of it? Earn an Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS) Degree in Information Technology from ITI Technical College in Baton Rouge and be on your way to a better future.

For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website: https://iticollege.edu/disclosures/