At some point in our lives, we must set some long-term career goals including professional training, and create paths to achieve them. Short-term goals are also a must but they typically don’t contain enough options. Think of a career as an ongoing set of related jobs and not as one job alone.

First, consider how most leaders define goals, and then translate them into career goals.

  • Goals must be specific – not general
  • Goals must be attainable – not just wishes
  • Goals must contain a specified outcome
  • Goals must contain a time frame for achievement

You can see from this list that goals are challenging, objective, and measurable. They must also be updated and kept relevant throughout your career. Once you establish your career goals, you must make an action plan to achieve them.

Long-Term Career Goals Must Be Established

There are some common elements in setting career goals no matter your job, company, the city where you work, or the industry. Long-term career goals are not secrets and typically contain:

Career Goals
Career Goals
  • Steps and milestones to achieve in the long term, meaning years
  • The keys to keeping you focused on a career path
  • Outcomes to achieve throughout your career
  • What your employers need to know about your intentions
  • How you will blend your personal work goals with your company’s goals

Without long-term career goals, you are like a ship without a rudder and left to toss about in the wind without direction. Setting and following these goals gives your work and career more purpose helps make better decisions and provides motivation to follow through on them.

How to Achieve Long-Term Career Goals

Once you set your short-term and long-term career goals, you must develop ways to achieve them. A simple way to start is by writing them down on paper and keeping them on your computer or digital device. Keep the print copy out where you can see it every day.

Achieve Your Career Goals
Achieve Your Career Goals

You must also define success early on when setting and striving for goal achievement. Here are some positive ways to achieve long-term career goals:

  • Visualize yourself in your ideal future
  • Prioritize all your goals in chronological order
  • Break long-term goals down into short-term goals
  • Regularly track your progress – monthly and annually
  • Be flexible and change direction when necessary

A super idea is sitting down with your manager at each job and discussing your specific duties and roles in the organization. Dedicate yourself to achieving your personal and work goals throughout your career.

“At some point in our lives, we must set some long-term career goals and create paths to achieve them. Think of a career as an ongoing set of related jobs and not as one job alone.”

Hands-On Training for Long-Term Career Goals

To achieve long-term and short-term career goals in technical jobs, you need adequate hands-on training from an accredited school.  Your training develops the skills and provides the knowledge for your future career success. Goals and plans without the right kind of training will not go very far. At ITI Technical College you will find the help you need to achieve your professional goals, contact us today for more information.

Hands-on training is industry-specific education that prepares you for an entry-level job. As you develop yourself and gain experience in the industry, you may have these options:

  • Move into supervisory positions
  • Transfer laterally to better jobs
  • Go to another company with better opportunities

After graduating with an associate degree, you should immediately begin to apply the goals and plans for your current and future career.

Good Communication and Teamwork Skills are Crucial

Successful Career
Successful Career

Good communication and teamwork skills are vital to reaching your long-term career goals. Adequate communication is the lifeblood of relationships with colleagues and supervisors. Without it, we seldom reach the success we desire.

College graduates should build upon the communication skills gained during their studies. Take additional training either on the job sponsored by your employers or off the job on your own time. Furthering team-building skills will help you gain greater perspectives for your current job and strengthen your career.

Work Ethic and Professionalism Are Other Keys to Goal Achievement

You can only reach long-term career goals if you stay employed. One of the best ways to keep a job is to demonstrate a strong work ethic at all times. Your supervisor will notice your dedication and reward you for it.

Another key quality to exhibit is practicing professionalism at all times whether it is convenient or not. Respect other peoples’ ideas and treat customers with the respect and dignity they deserve. Talk out differences with your manager sooner than later to resolve issues.

Be sure to visit your college’s career services office for additional goal-setting advice. All the ideas in this blog should help you set and reach your long-term career goals.

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