Most of us tend to take the comfort we experience in our homes and workplaces for granted. The latest technologies and equipment help improve the air quality, health, and comfort for all of us. HVAC technology plays a pivotal role in maintaining all of this year-round at acceptable levels.

HVAC technicians learn to work with temperature, humidity levels, air filters, ventilation, air purifiers, and cleaning out ductwork as well as equipment and systems to master air quality. Their help is just a call or click away any time of the year. Contact us today for more information.

What Is Indoor Air Quality?

Workplace Air QualityIndoor air quality refers to the air within homes and buildings and its impact on the health and comfort of their occupants. This topic has long been regarded as significant by OSHA and the EPA for employees. It is also a growing concern for homes because of these sources:

  • Temperature
  • High Humidity
  • Poor ventilation
  • Mold from water damage
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Exposure to pollutants

We may be affected by indoor pollution more than we realize. Examples that can lower air quality include tobacco products, fuel-burning combustion appliances, building materials, radon, and pesticides.

Indoor air quality is also affected by the concentration of pollutants that are emitted over time and their hazard levels. The age of the pollutants and their maintenance can also be a contributing factor to poor and harmful air quality. We must recognize these potential problems in our homes and take steps to control them.

Healthful Living With HVAC And Air Quality

HVAC and air quality can make a difference in our homes, offices, and factories because poor levels can negatively impact our health. Problems we want to reduce or prevent include:

  • Irritation to our eyes, noses, and throats
  • Headaches, nausea, and tiredness
  • Asthma, allergies, or COPD can worsen
  • Worsening other pre-existing conditions
  • Catching more colds or viruses
  • Respiratory and heart disease
  • Cancer in various forms

Installing the latest and most efficient HVAC equipment and systems can improve indoor air quality. We can appreciate reducing exposure to pollutants, excessively dry or humid air, and pollen. If your equipment or system is 15 years old or older, consider replacing it with a newer, efficient, and healthful system.

“The latest technologies and equipment help improve the air quality, health, and comfort for all of us.”

HVAC: Year-Round Comfort And Health

HVAC EquipmentAn effective HVAC and air quality system provides comfort and cleaner air at consistent levels throughout the entire house. Older systems have trouble doing this, and you can feel the temperature difference by walking from room to room. Technicians provide year-round comfort by installing the most efficient system for your home and installing it correctly.

Programmable thermostats and smart homes also improve year-round comfort and air quality no matter where you live. These benefits are not only good for humans, they are also good for your pets. You can improve your home’s air quality by regularly dusting and vacuuming all areas of your house.                                                                                                                            

HVAC And Air Quality Technology Trends For Homes

Heating, cooling, and ventilation systems have come a long way during the last two decades. Emerging HVAC software and newer technologies are useful to screen energy utilization and plan equipment and system maintenance. Some of the best include:

  • Ice-powered air conditioning
  • Smart AC and heating frameworks
  • Thermally-driven heating and air conditioning
  • Mobile-friendly HVAC technology
  • Geothermal heat pumps

Each of these systems is either in the introduction stage or the beginning of their growth stage. They produce cleaner air and better comfort while decreasing carbon footprints.

HVAC And Air Quality Technology Trends For Businesses

Workplace Air QualityHomes are not the only places benefiting from cleaner air and more efficient heating and cooling. Working without efficient heating, air conditioning, or ventilation can be costly and uncomfortable. Workplace safety and OSHA requirements are helping to make healthier environments for us.

Employers can be concerned about lower productivity from workers due to poorer air quality, temperature, and noise. This may be due to air leaks, uneven air temperature from area to area, or infrequent HVAC equipment maintenance.

New HVAC technologies, equipment, and systems are improving today’s indoor air quality. Home and business owners should analyze their situations and opt for more efficient systems. Learn to work with HVAC technologies by enrolling in an outstanding training program. Contact ITI Technical College today to learn more about our Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, & Electrical Technology (AOS) Program.

For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website at: