When you attend a process technology school to earn an Associate of Occupational Studies Degree in Process Technology, there are a great many things for you to learn. Most importantly, you need to make sure that you’re immersing yourself in the program and the industry. Plant operator training could easily extend to the water treatment industry, which should come as no surprise to anyone.

So, what is a water treatment plant and what kind of a career can it provide you? First, as you may already know, clean water is essential to life, essential for health, and just about any facet of any community. The water treatment process will of course vary depending upon the technology that is being utilized in the plat as well as the type of water it is processing. Largely, however, the basics are the same.

The Coagulation Process

The first step that you need to take here is coagulation, which involves liquid aluminum sulfate being added to untreated or raw water. When it is mixed with the water, it causes any particles of dirt in the water to stick together, ultimately making them easier to remove during the filtration process.


After coagulation, the particles are moved into sedimentation basins in which the water will slowly move, leaving the particles to settle at the bottom. This sludge is piped into drying lagoons. While this is an important part of the process, it is not nearly the entire thing.


ITI Technical College facilityNext, the water would flow through a filter that is specifically designed to remove the particles. During the process of filtration, impurities in the water are collected, and eventually, the filters will need to be cleaned. The cleaning process is carried out through backwashing, which is extremely efficient and very effective.

Disinfecting the Water

Before the water can be distributed to the masses, it does need to be disinfected so that any disease-causing bacteria are eliminated. This also ensures that any and all viruses and parasites are properly destroyed. In most plants, the chlorine will be the chemical of choice due to being a highly effective disinfectant, and it will also help to protect against biological contamination within the water system itself later on.


Finally, water fluoridation calls for the treatment of community water to ensure that those who drink the water will not suffer from dental issues. It’s an extra step and it is well worth it.

As you can see, there are quite a few very important steps when it comes to the water purification process and this is just one aspect of the process technology industry. There are many different work environments that you could find yourself in over the years, and you never know just how things will turn out. The one thing that you can bet on for sure however is that you’re going to need a good education if you want to enter this field and truly make a difference. That being said, you would do well to consider ITI Technical College and see what we have to offer.

ITI proudly offers a wide variety of different programs, from an Associate of Occupational Studies Degree in Process Technology to an Electrical Technology Certificate Program. The most important thing is making sure that you find something to suit your talents. Don’t worry; we are here to help. If you’re ready to kick off your new career and try something completely different, then now would definitely be a great time for you to call ITI Technical College and see just what we have to offer you. We guarantee that it’s going to be completely worth your time.



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