Computer code works behind the scenes directing our laptops and other digital devices what to do. A code is a set of instructions or a system of rules written in a programming language. Before code has been processed by a compiler and made ready to run on computers, it’s also known as source code. Once it’s ready to run, it’s called object code.

Programmers are in demand in today’s job market. Not all jobs in this industry require the same knowledge and skill sets. Learn the right programming languages and expand your current knowledge to stand out from other job candidates. Let’s take a look at the top industry coding languages and how to write secure code. Contact ITI Technical College for more information.

Top Industry Codes

A survey conducted by Statista revealed that JavaScript is the most popular language in use. JavaScript (JS) is a scripting language for:

  • Making websites more interactive
  • Making mobile applications more interactive
  • Game development
  • Making websites come alive

JS is useful for adding animations, dropdown menus, and color-changing buttons.

HTML/CCS is another top language used by software developers primarily for front-end development. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard programming language for displaying documents on web browsers.  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a rule-based language that determines how specific elements should be displayed in documents written in a markup language like HTML.

Python combines data structures with easy-to-learn syntax and is known as an object-oriented programming language. Other features of Python include:           

  • Applications to power a moderator bot on Reddit
  • Perform financial data analysis and machine learning
  • Organizes data and functions into usable pieces of code
  • Creates code as attributes, classes, methods, or objects
  • Good for large and complex programs

Python allows you to do anything from game development to statistical analysis.

Programming CodeC is one of the most often used software programming languages. Many programmers think learning C is necessary to understand architecture, networks, and operating systems. This is a multi-level language that does not require a lot of runtime to support. C is a good language for:

  • Operating systems
  • Hardware drivers
  • Kernel-level software
  • Compiling into byte code with C#
  • General purpose programming with C++

Now, let’s move into some tips and best practices for writing secure code.

Writing Secure Code Tips

Experts tell us it is better to address security early in software development’s life cycle. It is much easier and more cost-effective than correcting problems in late-stage testing. It also prevents problems that go unnoticed after an application has been released into production. The following tips and best practices are essential to creating secure coding and hosting.

Access Control, Authentication, And Authorization

Access should be based on permission rather than exclusion for best results. Base it also on affiliation, role, or membership and not by individuals. Make sure your code uses needed privileges and drop any elevated privileges now.

Authenticate and authorize users through accepted central systems and never implement your own authentication system. Wherever possible, implement two-factor authentication to reduce current and future issues.

“Code is a set of instructions or a system of rules written in a programming language.”

Code Management And Cryptographic Practices

Code can be managed well by implementing and maintaining a change management process. Use version control for changing existing software applications. You should create your code well, and document all design decisions.

Use cryptography libraries that are actively maintained, properly reviewed, and well-known for the best results. Use encryption for sensitive data at rest when possible. It is smart to encrypt your external transmissions for applications or software that maintain, process, store, or transmit sensitive data.

Error Handling And Input Validation

Applications must execute proper error handling because you do not want errors to provide detailed system information, crash the system, deny service, or impair security mechanisms.

Applications must validate the input (database, keyboard, network) correctly and restrictively. It must only allow the types of input known to be correct, especially those from untrusted sources.

Logging And Session Management

Software CodeUse application logs as much as possible, and log access by all users. Include the time of access according to the retention schedule in Security Log Collection, Analysis, and Retention. Managing sessions should include these practices:

  • Do not send session tokens over HTTP – use HTTPS instead
  • Do not make up your own session token generation codes
  • Create a new token for each user login to prevent session fixation attacks
  • URLs should not include session IDs

 Quality Assurance Checking And Vulnerability Management

Follow the practice of conducting application scanning before major revisions or changes are moved to production. Implement effective quality assurance techniques to identify and eliminate weaknesses, such as:

  • Make sure software meets user requirements
  • Use penetration testing
  • Implement source code audits

Vulnerability management practices include keeping software and components patched for known security weaknesses. Use a mechanism for updating all code dependencies regularly. Implement automated testing so the updates do not break the code’s functionality. Follow industry standards to successfully comply with ideal vulnerability management.

Writing secure code is a must if you want to keep your organization’s data safe. If you want to learn more about tips and practices for writing secure programming code, earn an associate degree in Information Technology.

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