So, you want to complete an associate degree in Information Technology (IT)? There are some challenges and requirements to meet on the way to achieving it. To be successful in this endeavor, you need to select the school that is right for you and identify the IT specialty you are interested in.

Other things you need to do are staying on top of your studies, applying for financial aid if needed, and developing your soft skills. Before graduation, talk to the student services office for assistance with preparing for and locating potential jobs.

Select The Information Technology School That Is Right For You

If you want to earn an IT degree as soon as possible, enroll in an associate degree program at an accredited technical college. Other elements to consider are:

  • A curriculum that meets your career aspirations
  • A school that has a high graduation rate
  • Class schedules that are flexible to meet your available time
  • A reputation of excellence in teaching
  • A professional career services office
  • A strong financial aid office

If you are like most IT students, you want a school program that offers a lot of hands-on training and education rather than a lot of theory. A technical college typically has small class sizes that are more conducive to learning and instructors that provide individual tutoring.

Identify Your Information Technology Specialization

Information TechnologyThere are many specialty areas within the realm of information technology. Before enrolling in classes, select the area you are most interested in. Most technical colleges offer specialization tracks and elective courses to support them in these two popular choices:

The Networking track provides training with three A+ courses to familiarize students with the components, repair, maintenance, and troubleshooting of a PC. They gain a working knowledge of operating systems, PC Setup, Microsoft Networking, CISCO, Linux, and Security. Students work with networking configurations, security/backup, and selected elective courses in Web Design and Applications, Visual Design, or Database Design.

The Programming track provides training in Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Design and Implementation, Object-Oriented Programming, Visual Design, and Web Design. Students also develop skills in Database Administration, Database Development, Web Applications, C#, Visual Basic.Net, ADO, Net, ASP, Net, HTML, and Microsoft SQL Server. Selected elective courses include A+ Hardware, Software and Operating Systems, Computer Networks, and Network Security.

“To be successful in this endeavor, you need to select the school that is right for you and identify the IT specialty you are interested in.”

Stay On Top Of Your Information Technology School Studies

Technology School StudiesSuccess in obtaining an information technology education requires a serious interest in this field and a commitment to meet the minimum college and program requirements. You must:

  • Find a balance between school life and personal life
  • Develop and follow a regular study plan
  • Seek assistance from instructors as needed
  • Coordinate your class and study time with family members
  • Keep up with class and lab assignments every week
  • Get enough rest each day to maintain your concentration
  • Keep your end goals in mind every day

Ease The Stress By Applying For Financial Aid

Someone must pay for your school tuition, books, supplies, lab fees, housing, and meals if you live in campus housing. If you live at home, you must also pay for travel expenses and perhaps new clothes. Being preoccupied with financial stress will take its toll on you mentally and emotionally.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have parents that will pay for their college education. The way to reduce financial stress is to apply for the financial aid you qualify for, such as:

  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Scholarships
  • Organization memberships
  • College Loans

Some students have savings accounts and others work while attending college. Before enrolling in an associate degree program, visit the high school or college financial aid office to see what funding opportunities you qualify for. Too many people fail to apply for financial aid programs, and as a consequence, lose thousands of dollars or drop out of school.

Soft Skills And Technical Skills Matter

Many people think that IT technical skills are all that are important but that is not so. Soft skills can make the difference between getting hired for the jobs you want or being passed over. They will make a huge difference in your performance on the job and in school.

Information Technology ProgramSoft skills may or may not be directly related to information technology work but rather to successful employment in general. These are the major soft skills employers look for today:

  • Professionalism and innovation
  • Creative problem-solving
  • Good communication skills
  • Time and priority management
  • A growth mindset and collaboration
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Adaptability and Active Listening
  • Leadership and teamwork

Soft skills are personal skills that make you a good employee outside of the required technical skills. Developing them will help make you a better student and employee. Start your career plans today by requesting information about our Information Technology Program.

For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website: