In the 21st century, data security and protection are vital, but there are still many companies making critical security mistakes. There are a few errors that virtually every single company is going to make at some point, and as you earn your information security degree, you will learn more about the other potential problems that could occur in the industry. Today, this article will discuss the four most common security problems that lead to data breaches and cause substantial financial losses.

Mistake #1: Forgetting About Old User Accounts

Web DeveloperIn any organization, employees will come and go. However, larger organizations face an additional problem with turnover as it is much easier for the information technology (IT) departments to lose track of terminated employees. If the head of IT security is working on other issues, they may not immediately know that someone on the third floor quit their job and went to seek employment elsewhere. When the individual in charge does not receive any notification, then the terminated user will remain in the system and the login will stay active until someone notices. Through this, it could theoretically be possible for the user in question to gain access remotely and steal information or cause other harm to the company’s network. While this should be a relatively straightforward fix, some companies go months or even years without purging inactive users.

Mistake #2: User Error

User error could also be defined as user carelessness as you will learn when you are earning your information technology security certification. Users often forego important security protocols due to convenience, speed, or even laziness. For example, users may share logins, stay logged in overnight, log in from unsecured machines, or share sensitive data. Many data breaches are not hacks and actually stem from users of a secure network inadvertently or intentionally sharing data with an unauthorized user or group of users.

Mistake #3: Foregoing Encryption

When you try to define information technology security, encryption is an important part of it. Encrypting data ensures that no one outside of the organization or its trusted third parties can access it, and some smaller companies will ignore this protocol for the sake of convenience. It is certainly easier and faster to not encrypt data, but you should never make the mistake of assuming no one wants to read or access your data. Keep it safe, and when you are working in information security, instruct the company to keep it safe.

Mistake #4: Inadequate Firewalls

This mistake correlates with mistakes #2 and #3, but it does merit its own section. Failing to implement a proper firewall will ensure that malicious outside users can easily break into your system. Many companies make the mistake of using outdated routers or inexpensive hardware to keep their systems safe, and as they gain prominence, they fall under attack more frequently. Some attacks can render a company completely helpless, causing them to lose money or potentially go out of business in extreme cases.

favCybersecurity is extremely important for any company, regardless of size. When you finish your information technology training, you will be an expert tasked with helping all types of companies implement the proper security protocols. The world is changing, and tech is changing right along with it. The biggest question right now is what changes we will see in the future, as these changes will likely change the way we think of computer and network security.

If you feel that this is a career field that you could thrive in, then we suggest you begin doing more research. Contact us today for more information and to ask about scheduling and course offerings. Financial aid is also available for those who qualify. The future is yours if you are willing to take it.

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