Process Technology Career Paths involve the use of equipment, techniques, systems, and materials to aid in the production of products or services. A career in process technology grows as our industrial base grows. Process technicians monitor and improve manufacturing and processing in factories and various plants. Many different industries hire process technicians from chemical to power generation plants. Technicians usually work alongside engineers and plant operators to keep processing at efficient levels.

Process technicians perform many duties in the course of a work-week, including:

  • Analyze operators
  • Test the quality of batches
  • Develop equipment parameters
  • Adjust equipment parameters,
  • Evaluate product quality
  • Monitor, repair, or replace equipment

Technicians spend most of their time on the factory or plant floor monitoring and improving processes. The remainder of their hours is spent in the office and team meetings.

Petroleum Is One of the Major Process Technology Career Paths

Petroleum is a globally important industry that needs process technicians in its daily operations. They work on the front line collecting data and examining it for drilling, eventually oil processing, and product production.

Technicians collect core samples used to determine if there are oil pools beneath the surface. They use ground penetrating radar, seismic equipment, and other technologies to gather information for engineers and geologists. They may determine if a site is contaminated and should be closed.

Those who work in this career also spend time in labs and their offices analyzing gathered data. They use technology to map likely areas for drilling or mining. Some technicians work in processing plants where they monitor the refining processes and work to improve them.

The Food Industry Is Something We Are All Familiar With

Food Industry Career Path
Food Industry Career Path

A second career path for process technicians is working in the food and beverage industry. Food and beverages go through processing from raw materials to finished products. Technicians play a vital role in ensuring these products are safe for human consumption. Foods and beverages must pass inspection by the Federal Food and Drug Administration to be safe and legal for sale.

Technicians closely monitor the processing steps from start to finish. They inspect and/or operate equipment for production quotas and customer demand. Many food plants are found in the general areas near where the foods are grown. Refrigerated raw materials are shipped to other areas not close to their origin.

“Process technicians monitor and improve manufacturing and processing in factories and various plants. Many different industries hire process technicians from chemical to power generation plants.”

Process Technology Career Paths: The Chemical Industry

The chemical industry is growing due to domestic and international demand. Chemicals are part of our everyday living from hair spray to paint thinners. Technicians in this industry use lab instruments and techniques to assist chemists, chemical engineers, and plant operators in the:

  • Researching and developing products and processes
  • Producing and testing chemical products and processes
  • Monitoring the production lines
  • Inspecting and troubleshooting equipment
  • Documenting production and malfunctions

Chemical technicians test products during and after processing for several reasons. The products must have a positive environmental impact and adhere to state and federal regulations. They must also meet quality and safety standards. Technicians typically take samples of each product rather than test an entire batch.

Power Generation Is Another Career Path

We cannot get by without power, and powerplant technicians make it possible for us to have it. Whether the power source is solar, wind, nuclear, or fossil fuel-generated electricity, we depend on it for many uses every day.

Power Generation Career Path
Power Generation Career Path

Technicians work to ensure there is consistent voltage for residential and commercial uses. They help keep the power grids operating at peak performance and see they do not overload. Their typical day consists of these activities:

  • Manage electric metering
  • Monitor plant technologies
  • Manage network software
  • Monitor network hardware
  • Work with operators and electricians
  • Complete equipment testing

Technicians also troubleshoot technical issues and work with a team to resolve them. They work in power plants and other power-generating facilities.

A Process Technology Career Path as a Water Treatment Technician

Where would we be without water and those who produce clean water? Water treatment technicians monitor water coming into the plants from sources and going out of plants as usable water. They test it continually to ensure it meets local and state standards for human consumption.

Technicians control water treatment processes, run the equipment, and treat water to make it safe. They remove pollutants and toxins from water with chemical processes and may recycle water that has already been used.

A career in process technology is stable with positions now open for you to apply. Begin your career path by earning an associate degree in a recognized process technology program. Enroll today!

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