Constitution Day

Most people know that July 4th is our nation’s birthday, but few know that September 17th is the birthday of our government. On that date in 1787 delegates at the Philadelphia Convention completed and signed the U.S. Constitution…
Shoe Drive for the Children’s Cup Orphanage in Swaziland, Africa

We would like to thank our staff and students for donating in our recent shoe drive for the Children’s Cup Orphanage in Swaziland, Africa. We had enough shoes to help […]
ITI Technical College Makes Forbes List of Top Trade Schools

Baton Rouge-based ITI Technical College has made Forbes magazine’s list of Top 30 Trade Schools. ITI ranks No. 24 on the list, which ranks two-year trade schools throughout the country. Joe Martin, […]
ITI Technical College Granted HVAC Excellence Accreditation
HVAC Excellence On-site Visit: On April 18, 2017, a team from HVAC Excellence performed an on-site evaluation of ITI Technical College’s Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Electrical Technology AOS and Certificate […]

Over fifty vendors displaying the latest technology: Gas Chromatographs, Safety Systems, CEMS Equipment, Engineering & Design, Continuous Analyzers Sample Systems, Components Analyzer Gases, Electrical / PLC Equipment, and Environmental SystemsFood […]
CM Department Guest Lecturer Series – Richard Beemer

Wednesday, December 14 2016 Born in Baton Rouge, LA in 1962 Richard Beemer or “Beemer” as most know him was the middle child of three sons born to a Piping […]
Memorial Ceremony in honor of Earl J. Martin Jr.

Memorial Ceremony in honor of Earl J. Martin Jr. on Tuesday, October 18th at 10:30 am.
9th Annual Plane Pull Competition & Festival

Oct. 15th, 2016 at the Baton Rouge Airport. Team Registration is now open! Team Pull Times will be announced on Wednesday, October 12. Individual Pullers can register with Shawn at […]
Recent Shoe Drive helps a preschool in Swaziland, Africa.

Recent Shoe Drive helps a preschool in Swaziland, Africa.
ITI students compete at 3rd National Simulation Troubleshooting Competition

Kingwood, TX, April 23rd 2016 — Teams of college students gathered from across the country at Lone Star College-Kingwood on April 22nd-23rd to compete in the Third National Troubleshooting Competition. […]