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What is Information Technology Security?

Security is not a new concept; it is, in fact, one of the oldest and most basic ideas embedded in the human consciousness, and as of late, it is becoming more and more difficult to implement properly. If you think back to the beginning of this term’s usage, you will realize that security involved protecting […]

Information Security for Retail Stores

To say that retail stores need an information security solution would be a gross understatement. There are plenty of reasons for those with an information security degree to be concerned, especially when it comes to customer information. In the next few paragraphs, we are going to spend some time explaining the different types of customer […]

Want to Change your Life? Consider an Information Security Degree

Have you ever felt like your life is going in the wrong direction? Do you want to try a new career? Do you want to jump into a career that will potentially allow you to make a difference in the world that we live in? An information security degree can give you precisely what you […]

Mobile Security Threats to Watch out in 2018

Mobile security is very important today, as you probably know already. If you are planning to obtain an information security degree, then it will be crucial for you to learn more about the potential mobile threats that may be plaguing the industry today. You will learn about these extensively as you are earning your information […]

The Top 5 Threats to Information Technology Security

Information Technology Security Information technology security is always going to be a hot topic when you’re pursuing an Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS) Degree in Information Technology, or any type of information security degree for obvious reasons. The problem with the industry today is the ever-evolving threat posed by hackers and other malicious individuals. As […]

Why Information Technology is Crucial for Business

Here’s a good question: why is an information technology (IT) so important for business today? There was a time when IT was sort of a pipe dream, back when the only computer around seemed to be an Apple II, and the idea of having PCs in every office was ludicrous. Today it would be ludicrous […]

Security Essentials that Every Business is Going to Need

After you earn an Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS) Degree in Information Technology, you may find yourself dealing with internet technology security in a position of authority. If so, you will need to make sure that you’re running the department correctly. So, with that being the case, what security essentials does the business need? How […]

How to Define Information Technology and Security in 2018

It is amazing to think just how far we have come in the last six hundred years. Back then, we had barely created the printing press, and in that small amount of time, we have gone from the printed word to artificial intelligence. It is amazing and it is also a bit terrifying, but society […]

Why Information Security Training Will Help you to Find a Better Job

What can you expect to do with an information security degree exactly? Does it lead to a grand career change? Will you make a lot of money? First of all, there are a lot of different jobs available in the information security field whether you perform information technology for homeland security or work as a […]

How Health Information Technology is Helping Patients Remotely

The health industry has changed significantly over the last few years and no one can deny that. While computers have long been an implemented in doctors’ offices and hospitals, one big thing has changed: people have more access to the internet than ever before. Health information technology has evolved around this and has quickly become […]

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